June 15, 2011

200 free downloads per month

unfortunatly your interest in our new record exceeds our capacities. so we aren't able to offer a free download all the time. this is how it works from now on:

you can choose how much you want to pay for the new record. you can also go down to "zero". but the free download works only 200 times a month. for the rest of the month a minimum price will be set. with the 4th of the following month again 200 free downloads will be available. dependend on the current status, the player on the left will either show "download" or "buy".

from now on you can buy cds and downloads via credit card or paypal at music.stillsearching.at or via normal bank transaction at the shop

we really want to make it as easy as possible to support us. so we hope some of you do so! anyways - thanks to everybody who buys our music, downloads it for free, listens to it online, copies it from a friend or sucks it from russian pipelines!
this page is hosted by the band "still searching". if not declared ofherwise, every content on this page is generated by the band. the host of this page is not responsible for any content that is linked to this page.

some rights reserved, still searching 2008 - 2011